A Worker's Guide to the OHSA
This Guide provides you with basic information and interpretation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It answers questions about your rights and your employer’s legal obligations. References to the relevant articles of the Act are highlighted after each section.
Guide to Violence and Harassment at Work
Violence against workers is the direct consequence of an unsafe workplace. Assaults, Threats, Harassment and Abuse. It’s not part of the job. As with every union goal, our success depends on how well we organize and involve our members.
Community Legal Education Ontario
CLEO has helpful publications on topics such as Employement Insurance and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
Canadian Legal Information Institute
The CanLII.org website provides access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Grievance Settlement Board here in Ontario. This is a great resource to help in interpreting the Collective Agreement.
OPSEU Power Tool
If you are a union steward, as an elected union official, you have more leeway to challenge the employer. When you are wearing your “union hat,” you are not talking to your supervisor as an employee, but as a representative of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union. This guide has been developed to help OPSEU stewards in the workplace.